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2021 Reflections

learning process

Happy New Year!

It’s been one year since I started The Woolagrapher. I’ve learned so much about myself and about owning a business - there’s so much more to look forward to. I’d like to share my achievements and also talk about some of the things I tried that didn’t go as planned.

Firstly, I started a business I had been thinking about for some time. I’m so thankful for a partner who encouraged me to embark on this journey. In the first few months of my business, I spent a lot of time thinking and “planning.” I am one of many who overthink and worry about created problems, so I got in my own way. But I managed to create my Cold Stroll pattern.

In the spring and summer of 2021, I focused on applying to submission calls. While I wasn’t accepted into any, the experience helped me create a few pattern ideas and gave me the push to create my website and social media account. I published B.I.A.R during the summer and started thinking about Wooloween.

Fall was not as productive as I wanted it to be. While I was trying to come up with multiple designs for Wooloween, I was also planning my wedding (which took place in October). With the wedding taking up more energy than I anticipated, I had to downsize my Wooloween drop. My two patterns for the fall, Lifted Veil and Leaf Trail, were so rewarding to create and even though I struggled with accepting that I had not planned well for the fall, I was grateful to publish these two patterns. I also created a page for The Woolagrapher on Ravelry - another great step for the business.

While I did not publish anything after Wooloween this year, I have plans for next year - pattern ideas and sketches, goals for better social media interaction, and plans to expand. Looking back at 2021, I can see the growth of The Woolagrapher and how I have grown as a person. I know that there will be challenges and bad days in the coming year, but I’m more prepared and excited to see what I can accomplish.

Thank you for supporting me this year! It has been heartwarming and encouraging; I hope that we can get to know each other better in the new year.

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