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Transitioning from Summer to Autumn Knits

knitting making process

Transitioning from Summer to Autumn Knits

Even though the weather here in Minnesota hasn’t quite reached peak autumn temperatures, there have been enough cool days or evenings that I’m starting to think of transitioning to fall knits. I wanted to walk you through my process using three key elements to transitioning knit seasons: layering, yarn type, and garment density. Disclosure: These are all tricks that work for me, that I have discovered over years of trial and error (or just plain miscalculation of weather in some cases). You might have completely different thoughts on these topics, allergies to certain types of yarn, or live in a...

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Knitting a sweater in a month

knitting learning making process

Knitting a sweater in a month

I participated in an Instagram challenge in June - I chose to start and finish a sweater that month. Long story short, I kept to my goal and finished the sweater (minus blocking) in a month. But I wanted to take some time to write out my reflections on this adventure…because I have some thoughts.

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Yarn storage (keep away bugs!)

learning yarn

The number one thing that will help keep your yarn safe and healthy is to prevent moisture from sticking around your yarn. Moisture isn’t good for fiber, in terms of storage. It will encourage mold and bugs if unattended to - what a poor way for yarn to go! 

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Feeling uninspired and working through it

design knitting learning making process

There comes a time in likely every creator’s life when they will feel uninspired and, arguably, there will be many times. I recently have felt this way - tired and uninspired. Instead of focusing on the why, I want to talk about how I’ve been working through it. I used to think that I had to feel inspired or motivated, or have the right kind of environment to produce creative works. I would spend so much time either waiting for inspiration to kick in or adjusting my space to see if that would help me feel more motivated: none of...

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2021 Reflections

learning process

Happy New Year! It’s been one year since I started The Woolagrapher. I’ve learned so much about myself and about owning a business - there’s so much more to look forward to. I’d like to share my achievements and also talk about some of the things I tried that didn’t go as planned. Firstly, I started a business I had been thinking about for some time. I’m so thankful for a partner who encouraged me to embark on this journey. In the first few months of my business, I spent a lot of time thinking and “planning.” I am one...

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